Habitats: Freshwater, Terrestrial
Ecoregions: I: Eastern Temperate Forests
II: Ozark, Ouachita, Appalachian Forests
III: Ozark Highlands
IV: Meramec River Hills
Website: link 1
Telephone: +1-314-977-4090
Address: 1266 East Highway 8, Steelville, MO 65565
Director: Thomas Valone
None yet
Reis Biological Station is situated along Huzzah Creek in the Meramec River watershed of the Ozark Highlands of Missouri. Habitats found within the station and nearby areas include deciduous and pine forests, glades, fens, caves, and aquatic habitats such as rivers, springs, and ponds.
During the summer the station has several college courses. The area is surrounded by numerous state conservation areas, national forest land, and other protected areas. Reis Biological Station has numerous facilities, including a laboratory, classroom, computers, microscopes, field and other scientific equipment, canoes, boats with motors, rustic cabins, shower house, laundry facilities, and a lodge with a kitchen and dining area.