Field Guides and Lists
- Kieser, E.D. 2014. Lizards. University of Mississippi, Oxford, MS. PDF
- Menon, R., and M.M. Holland. 2012. Study of understory vegetation at the University of Mississippi Field Station in north Mississippi. Castanea 77(1): 28-36. (list of plant species page 31-32) PDF
- Keiser, E.D. 2010. Snakes of the University of Mississippi Field Station. University of Mississippi, Oxford, MS. PDF
- Keiser, E.D. 2008. Frogs of the University of Mississippi Field Station. University of Mississippi, Oxford, MS. PDF
- King, J., A. McBride, and P.K. Lago. 2002. A Field Guide to Butterflies Common to the University of Mississippi Field Station. University of Mississippi, Oxford, MS. PDF
- Keiser, E.D. 2001. Turtles of the University of Mississippi Field Station. University of Mississippi, Oxford, MS. PDF
- Kuhajek, J.M. 2000. Medicinal and Edible Plants of the University of Mississippi Field Station. University of Mississippi, Oxford, MS. PDF
- Keiser, E.D. 1999. Salamanders of the University of Mississippi Field Station. University of Mississippi, Oxford, MS. PDF
- Knight, L.A. 1996. A History and General Description of the University of Mississippi Biological Field Station. University of Mississippi, Oxford, MS. PDF
- Pintar, M.R., and W.J. Resetarits, Jr. 2020. A comparison of aquatic and semiaquatic Heteroptera (Hemiptera) inhabiting natural habitats and experimental mesocosms at the University of Mississippi Field Station. Aquatic Insects 41 (1): 76-84. PDF
- Pintar, M.R., and W.J. Resetarits, Jr. 2020. Aquatic beetles of the University of Mississippi Field Station, Lafayette County, Mississippi, USA. Coleopterists Bulletin 74 (2): 351-369. PDF
- Center for Water and Wetland Resources Dedication (2001) PDF
- Guide to the Young Scholars Nature Trail PDF
- University of Mississippi Field Station (newer brochure) PDF
- University of Mississippi Field Station (older brochure) PDF
- University of Mississippi Field Station Planning Activities (1997) PDF
Scientific journal articles
- A study of lightning flash initiation prior to the first initial breakdown pulse (2019) PDF
- Mulch-Derived Organic Carbon Stimulates High Denitrification Fluxes from Agricultural Ditch Sediments (2019)
- Apparent maladaptive oviposition site choice of Cope's gray treefrogs (Hyla chrysoscelis) when offered an array of pond conditions (2018) PDF
- An optimized method to quantify large numbers of amphibian eggs (2018) PDF
- Bidirectionality of hormone-behavior relationships and satellite-caller dynamics in green treefrogs (2018)
- Can Rice (Oryza sativa) Mitigate Pesticides and Nutrients in Agricultural Runoff? (2018)
- Colonization across gradients of risk and reward: Nutrients and predators generate species‐specific responses among aquatic insects (2018) PDF
- Do Varying Aquatic Plant Species Affect Phytoplankton and Crustacean Responses to a Nitrogen-Permethrin Mixture? (2017) PDF
- Filling ephemeral ponds affects development and phenotypic expression in Ambystoma talpoideum (2018) PDF
- Giving predators a wide berth: quantifying behavioral predator shadows in colonizing aquatic beetles (2018) PDF
- Hormonal and social correlates of courtship signal quality and behaviour in male green treefrogs (2018)
- Leaf Composition of American Bur-Reed (Sparganium americanum Nutt.) to Determine Pesticide Mitigation Capability (2018)
- Predation risk and patch size jointly determine perceived patch quality in ovipositing treefrogs, Hyla chrysoscelis (2018) PDF
- Rapid effects of elevated stress hormones on male courtship signals suggest a major role for the acute stress response in intra‐ and intersexual selection (2018)
- Refilling temporary ponds has timing‐dependent effects on Hyla gratiosa performance (2018) PDF
- Variation in pond hydroperiod affects larval growth in southern leopard frogs, Lithobates sphenocephalus (2018) PDF
- Wind noise reduction at infrasound frequencies using large domes (2018)
- Context‐dependent colonization dynamics: Regional reward contagion drives local compression in aquatic beetles (2017) PDF
- Effectiveness of emergent and submergent aquatic plants in mitigating a nitrogen-permethrin mixture (2017)
- Habitat and nutrient enrichment affect decomposition of maize and willow oak detritus in Lower Mississippi River Basin bayous (2017)
- Larval development varies across pond age and larval density in Cope's gray treefrogs, Hyla chrysoscelis (2017) PDF
- Mitigation of atrazine, S-metolachlor, and diazinon using common emergent aquatic vegetation (2017) PDF
- Out with the old, in with the new: oviposition preference matches larval success in Cope's gray treefrog, Hyla chrysoscelis (2017) PDF
- Patch size influences perceived patch quality for colonising Culex mosquitoes (2017) PDF
- Persistence of an egg mass polymorphism in Ambystoma maculatum: differential performance under high and low nutrients (2017) PDF
- Prey‐driven control of predator assemblages: zooplankton abundance drives aquatic beetle colonization (2017) PDF
- Relative predation risk and risk of desiccation co-determine oviposition preferences in Cope’s gray treefrog, Hyla chrysoscelis (2017) PDF
- Seasonal Differences in Relationships between Nitrate Concentration and Denitrification Rates in Ditch Sediments Vegetated with Rice Cutgrass (2017)
- Tree leaf litter composition drives temporal variation in aquatic beetle colonization and assemblage structure in lentic systems (2017) PDF
- Fecal Indicator Bacteria Entrainment from Streambed to Water Column: Transport by Unsteady Flow over a Sand Bed (2016)
- Functional diversity of non‐lethal effects, chemical camouflage, and variation in fish avoidance in colonizing beetles (2016) PDF
- Using aquatic vegetation to remediate nitrate, ammonium, and soluble reactive phosphorus in simulated runoff (2016) PDF
- A test of the Energetics-Hormone Vocalization model in the green treefrog (2015) PDF
- Contrasting Nutrient Mitigation and Denitrification Potential of Agricultural Drainage Environments with Different Emergent Aquatic Macrophytes (2015) PDF
- Elevated stress hormone diminishes the strength of female preferences for acoustic signals in the green treefrog (2015) PDF
- Long duration wind noise abatement measurements at the University of Mississippi Field Station (2015)
- Close-range vocal signals elicit a stress response in male green treefrogs: resolution of an androgen-based conflict (2014) PDF
- Diazinon and Permethrin Mitigation Across a Grass–Wetland Buffer (2014) PDF
- Effects of contaminated sediments on a backwater restoration project in the Mississippi River Delta (2014) PDF
- Evaluation of potential biodiesel feedstock production from oleaginous insect Solenopsis sp. (2014) PDF
- Functional significance of ultraviolet feeding cues in wild turkeys (2014) PDF
- Influence of varying nutrient and pesticide mixtures on abatement efficiency using a vegetated free water surface constructed wetland mesocosm (2014)
- Ontogeny of an iridescent nanostructure composed of hollow melanosomes (2014) PDF
- Phosphorus release due to decomposition of wetland plants (2014)
- Adaptive divergence at the margin of an invaded range (2013) PDF
- Aqueous pesticide mitigation efficiency of Typha latifolia (L.), Leersia oryzoides (L.) Sw., and Sparganium americanum Nutt. (2013) PDF
- Conservation assessment of the Yazoo darter (Etheostoma raneyi) (2013) PDF
- Determining Potential for Microbial Atrazine Degradation in Agricultural Drainage Ditches (2013) PDF
- Effect of harvest timing on leaf production and yield of diterpene glycosides in Stevia rebaudianaBert: A specialty perennial crop for Mississippi (2013) PDF
- Nutrient and growth responses of Leersia oryzoides, rice cutgrass, to varying degrees of soil saturation and water nitrogen concentration (2013) PDF
- Periphyton responses to nutrient and atrazine mixtures introduced through agricultural runoff (2013) PDF
- Phosphorus Retention in Constructed Wetlands Vegetated with Juncus effusus, Carex lurida, and Dichanthelium acuminatum var. acuminatum (2013)
- Responses of Phytoplankton and Hyalella azteca to Agrichemical Mixtures in a Constructed Wetland Mesocosm (2013)
- Steroid hormone levels in calling males and males practicing alternative non-calling mating tactics in the green treefrog, Hyla cinerea (2013) PDF
- The Influence of Vegetation on Microbial Enzyme Activity and Bacterial Community Structure in Freshwater Constructed Wetland Sediments (2013) PDF
- Antifungal activity of extracts from endophytic fungi associated with Smallanthus maintained in vitro as autotrophic cultures and as pot plants in the greenhouse (2012)
- Bacterial community associated with autotrophic and heterotrophic cultures of medicinal plant smallanthus sonchifolius (Yacon) (2012) PDF
- Effects of a Simulated Agricultural Runoff Event on Sediment Toxicity in a Managed Backwater Wetland (2012) PDF
- Influence of Three Aquatic Macrophytes on Mitigation of Nitrogen Species from Agricultural Runoff (2012) PDF
- Macromolecular Response of Individual Algal Cells to Nutrient and Atrazine Mixtures within Biofilms (2012) PDF
- Oligofructans content and yield of yacon (Smallanthus sonchifolius) cultivated in Mississippi (2012)
- Phytotoxicity of Atrazine, S-Metolachlor, and Permethrin to Typha latifolia (Linneaus) Germination and Seedling Growth (2012) PDF
- Potential for Phosphate Mitigation from Agricultural Runoff by Three Aquatic Macrophytes (2012) PDF
- Responses of Hyalella azteca and phytoplankton to a simulated agricultural runoff event in a managed backwater wetland (2012) PDF
- Study of Understory Vegetation at The University of Mississippi Field Station in North Mississippi (2012) PDF
- Characterization and pharmacological properties of in vitro propagated clones of Echinacea tennesseensis(Beadle) Small (2011) PDF
- Chemical Residence Time and Hydrological Conditions Influence Treatment of Fipronil in Vegetated Aquatic Mesocosms (2011) PDF
- Effects of Vegetation in Mitigating the Toxicity of Pesticide Mixtures in Sediments of a Wetland Mesocosm (2011) PDF
- Evaluating Plant Species-Specific Contributions to Nutrient Mitigation in Drainage Ditch Mesocosms (2011) PDF
- Levels of gene flow among populations of a wolf spider in a recently fragmented habitat: current versus historical rates (2011) PDF
- Rapid analysis of lignans from leaves of Podophyllum peltatum L. samples using UPLC‐UV‐MS (2011) PDF
- Role of Vegetation in a Constructed Wetland on Nutrient–Pesticide Mixture Toxicity to Hyalella azteca (2011) PDF
- The role of aquatic ecosystems in the elimination of pollutants (2011) PDF
- Fire ant alate wing motion data and numerical reconstruction (2010) PDF
- Responses of Hyalella azteca to chronic exposure of Mississippi Delta sediments (2010) PDF
- Sediment quality assessment of Beasley Lake: bioaccumulation and effects of pesticides in Hyalella azteca (2010) PDF
- Toxicity Evaluation of a Conservation Effects Assessment Program Watershed, Beasley Lake, in the Mississippi Delta, USA (2010) PDF
- Ability of Four Emergent Macrophytes to Remediate Permethrin in Mesocosm Experiments (2009) PDF
- Agricultural Pesticides in Mississippi Delta Oxbow Lake Sediments During Autumn and Their Effects on Hyalella azteca (2009) PDF
- Condition-dependent alternative mating tactics in a sexually cannibalistic wolf spider (2009) PDF
- Diazinon Accumulation and Dissipation in Oryza sativaL. Following Simulated Agricultural Runoff Amendment in Flooded Rice Paddies (2009) PDF
- Diazinon reduction and partitioning between water, sediment and vegetation in stormwater runoff mitigation through rice fields (2009) PDF
- Effects of an Atrazine, Metolachlor and Fipronil Mixture on Hyalella azteca (Saussure) in a Modified Backwater Wetland (2009) PDF
- Efficiency of Experimental Rice (Oryza sativa L.) Fields in Mitigating Diazinon Runoff Toxicity to Hyalella azteca (2009) PDF
- Growth inhibition as indicator of stress because of atrazine following multiple toxicant exposure of the freshwater macrophyte, Juncus effusus L (2009) PDF
- Hyalella azteca (Saussure) Responses to Coldwater River Backwater Sediments in Mississippi, USA (2009) PDF
- Methyl parathion toxicity in vegetated and nonvegetated wetland mesocosms (2009) PDF
- Mississippi Oxbow Lake Sediment Quality During an Artificial Flood (2009) PDF
- Survival, Growth, and Body Residues of Hyalella azteca(Saussure) Exposed to Fipronil Contaminated Sediments from Non-Vegetated and Vegetated Microcosms (2009) PDF
- A preliminary study of an alternative controlled drainage strategy in surface drainage ditches: low-grade weirs (2008) PDF
- Agricultural drainage ditches mitigate phosphorus loads as a function of hydrological variability (2008) PDF
- Auditory Sensitivity of an Acoustic Parasitoid (Emblemasomasp., Sarcophagidae, Diptera) and the Calling Behavior of Potential Hosts (2008) PDF
- The Substrate Vibration Generating Behavior of Aphaenogaster carolinensis (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) (2008)
- Utilization of common ditch vegetation in the reduction of fipronil and its solfone metabolite (2008) PDF
- Variability in in Vitro Macrophage Activation by Commercially Diverse Bulk Echinacea Plant Material Is Predominantly Due to Bacterial Lipoproteins and Lipopolysaccharides (2008) PDF
- Assessment of pesticide contamination in three Mississippi Delta oxbow lakes using Hyalella azteca (2007) PDF
- Inbreeding levels and prey abundance interact to determine fecundity in natural populations of two species of wolf spider (2007)
- Influence of Selected Water Quality Characteristics on the Toxicity of λ-Cyhalothrin and γ-Cyhalothrin to Hyalella azteca (2007)
- Plant senescence: A mechanism for nutrient release in temperate agricultural wetlands (2007) PDF
- Responses of Hyalella azteca to a Pyrethroid Mixture in a Constructed Wetland (2007) PDF
- Rice (Oryza sativa) as a remediation tool for nutrient runoff (2007)
- Toxicity Assessment of Diazinon in a Constructed Wetland Using Hyalella azteca (2007) PDF
- Toxicity Evaluation of Diazinon Contaminated Leaf Litter (2007) PDF
- Influence of vegetation in mitigation of methyl parathion runoff (2006) PDF
- Occurrence and hazard screening of alkyl sulfates and alkyl ethoxysulfates in river sediments (2006)
- Efficiency of Three Aquatic Macrophytes in Mitigating Nutrient Run-off (2005) PDF
- Endocrine and behavioral response to a decline in habitat quality: effects of pond drying on the slider turtle, Trachemys scripta (2005)
- The effect of coccidial infection on iridescent plumage coloration in wild turkeys (2005)
- Aeromonas salmonicida, freshwater wetland rhizobacterium, fish pathogen, and a potential environmental indicator (2004)
- Effects of parasitic infection on mate sampling by female wild turkeys (Meleagris gallopavo): should infected females be more or less choosy? (2004) PDF
- Evaluating acute toxicity of methyl parathion application in constructed wetland mesocosms (2004) PDF
- Flood-mediated dispersal versus hatching: early recolonisation strategies of copepods in floodplain wetlands (2004) PDF
- Incidence of antibiotic‐resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae and Enterobacter species in freshwater wetlands (2004) PDF
- Survival and Growth of Hyalella azteca Exposed to Three Mississippi Oxbow Lake Sediments (2004) PDF
- Acute toxicity of methyl-parathion in wetland mesocosms: assessing the influence of aquatic plants using laboratory testing with Hyalella azteca (2003) PDF
- Identification of indole-3-acetic acid producing freshwater wetland rhizosphere bacteria associated with Juncus effusus L. (2003)
- Mitigation of atrazine in drainage ditches and constructed wetlands for agricultural non-point source runoff (2003) PDF
- Multivariate analyses of invertebrate community responses to a C12–15AE-3S anionic surfactant in stream mesocosms (2003)
- Mitigation of chlorpyrifos runoff using constructed wetlands (2002) PDF
- Occurrence of the rayed creekshell, Anodontoides radiatus, in the Mississippi River Basin: implications for conservation and biogeography (2002) PDF
- Partitioning, bioavailability, and toxicity of the pyrethroid insecticide cypermethrin in sediments (2002)
- Risk evaluation of cyanobacteria-dominated algal blooms in a North Louisiana reservoir (2002) PDF
- Uptake and loss of chlorpyrifos and atrazine by Juncus effusus L. in a mesocosm study with a mixture of pesticides (2002)
- Mitigation of metolachlor-associated agricultural runoff using constructed wetlands in Mississippi (2001) PDF
- Toxicity of copper in an oxic stream sediment receiving aquaculture effluent (2001)
- Toxicity of fipronil and its degradation products to Procambarus sp.: field and laboratory studies (2001)
- Aspects of brown madtom, Noturus phaeus, life history in northern Mississippi (2000)
- Constructed wetlands for mitigation of atrazine-associated agricultural runoff (2000) PDF
- Experimental test of nutrient and fish effects on size distributions of N:P (2000)
- Interactive effects of anthropogenic, environmental, and biotic stressors on multiple endpoints in Hyla chrysoscelis (2000) PDF
- Susceptibility of five nontarget organisms to aqueous diazinon exposure (2000) PDF
- The effects of toxicants on planktonic systems: an integrated approach using the analysis of size distributions (2000)
- The role of thermal environment in determining the life history of a terrestrial salamander (2000) PDF
- Toxicity and Bioavailability of Copper Herbicides (Clearigate, Cutrine-Plus, and Copper Sulfate) to Freshwater Animals (2000)
- Using Constructed Wetlands to Treat Biochemical Oxygen Demand and Ammonia Associated with a Refinery Effluent (2000)
- Chronic toxicity of a homologous series of linear alcohol ethoxylate surfactants to Daphnia magna in 21 day flow‐through laboratory exposures (1999)
- Copper Bioavailability in Steilacoom Lake Sediments (1999)
- Effects of a Homologous Series of Linear Alcohol Ethoxylate Surfactants on Fathead Minnow Early Life Stages (1999)
- Evaluation of media and techniques to enumerate heterotrophic microbes from karst and sand aquifer springs (1999)
- Herbicide effects on typha latifolia (Linneaus) germination and root and shoot development (1999)
- Interaction effects of fish, nutrients, mixing and sediments on autotrophic picoplankton and algal composition (1999)
- Preliminary results on studies of mussel shell gape under different environmental conditions (1999) PDF
- Transfers and Transformations of Zinc in Flow-Through Wetland Microcosms (1999)
- Tympanal hearing in the sarcophagid parasitoid fly Emblemasoma sp.: the biomechanics of directional hearing (1999) PDF
- A Comprehensive Environmental Assessment of a Receiving Aquatic System Near an Unbleached Kraft Mill (1998)
- Abundance, Metamorphosis, Developmental, and Behavioral Abnormalities in Hyla chrysoscelis Tadpoles Following Exposure to Three Agrichemicals and Methyl Mercury in Outdoor Mesocosms (1998)
- Comparative Toxicity of Chlordane, Chlorpyrifos, and Aldicarb to Four Aquatic Testing Organisms (1998) PDF
- Hyalella azteca 10‐day sediment toxicity test: Comparison of growth measurement endpoints (1998)
- Responses of Aquatic Invertebrates to a Linear Alcohol Ethoxylate Surfactant in Stream Mesocosms (1998)
- Toxicological evaluation of constructed wetland habitat sediments utilizing Hyalella azteca 10-day sediment toxicity test and bacterial bioluminescence (1998)
- An assessment of the ecological effects of a C9--11 linear alcohol ethoxylate surfactant in stream mesocosm experiments (1997)
- Comparative Aqueous Toxicity of Silver Compounds: Laboratory Studies with Freshwater Species (1997)
- Design and Construction of Wetlands for Aqueous Transfers and Transformations of Selected Metals (1997)
- Effects of Photoperiod and Temperature on Swimming Performance of White Crappie (1997)
- Experimental Factors That May Affect Toxicity of Cadmium to Freshwater Organisms (1997) PDF
- Partitioning and Effects of Silver in Amended Freshwater Sediments (1997) PDF
- The effects of a C12–13 linear alcohol ethoxylate surfactant on periphyton, macrophytes, invertebrates and fish in stream mesocosms (1997)
- Assessing the Effects of a C14–15Linear Alcohol Ethoxylate Surfactant in Stream Mesocosms (1996)
- Effects of a nonionic surfactant (c14–15 AE‐7) on fish survival, growth and reproduction in the laboratory and in outdoor stream mesocosms (1996)
- Evaluation of media and techniques to enumerate heterotrophic microbes from karst and sand aquifer springs (1996)
- Experimental factors that may affect toxicity of aqueous and sediment-bound copper to freshwater organisms (1996) PDF
- Formulated sediment as a reference and dilution sediment in definitive toxicity tests (1996) PDF
- Measuring bioavailable copper using anodic stripping voltammetry (1996)
- Sorption of two model alcohol ethoxylate surfactants to sediments (1996) PDF
- Toxicity of Fluoranthene to Daphnia magna, Hyalella azteca, Chironomus tentans, and Stylaria lacustris in Water-Only and Whole Sediment Exposures (1996)
- Development of formulated reference sediments for freshwater and estuarine sediment testing (1994)
- Effects of Fish on the Growth and Survival of Two Fishing Spider Populations (Dolomedes triton; Araneae, Pisauridae) (1994)
- Fish interactions with the sediment-water interface (1994)
- Responses of Hyalella azteca and chironomus tentans to particle‐size distribution and organic matter content of formulated and natural freshwater sediments (1994)
- Induction of Triploidy in White Crappie by Temperature Shock (1990)
- The toxicity of suspended sediments on selected freshwater invertebrates (1988)
- Notes on blow fly (Diptera: Calliphoridae) succession on carrion in northern Mississippi (1985)
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